Winter Safety Tips For You And Your Pets


Winter can get dangerously cold, and as much as we’d like to just rely on our home’s, office’s, or even car’s heating systems for warmth, heating alone can’t provide us complete safety and security from the harsh elements. Therefore, we must prepare and apply winter weather measures to keep us and our families safe, and that includes our furry family members too!

  • Stay indoors if possible. If you must go outdoors, dress warmly and wear loose-fitting, layered, lightweight clothing.
  • Keep your pets inside. Dogs and cats left outside can freeze, get injured or become lost. Also never leave them inside a car unattended.
  • Have safe emergency heating equipment in your home, as well as a flashlight, portable radio and three days’ worth of food in case the power goes out.
  • Wipe your dogs’ legs, feet and abdomens when they come in from snowy or icy conditions. Dogs can ingest salt, antifreeze and other chemicals when licking their paws.
  • To prevent frozen pipes, let your hot and cold faucets drip overnight and open cabinet doors to allow heat to get to uninsulated pipes.
  • Never warm up a vehicle in an enclosed area, such as a garage.
  • Never attempt to charge or jump-start a battery that is frozen, as it may rupture or explode.
  • Keep your gas tank at least half full to avoid gas line freeze-up.

For more winter weather tips, visit NBC Philadelphia.

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