Air Quality Maintenance Essential for Nursing Homes – Part 2


We here at Ronald Smith Heating & Air would like to thank you for rejoining us as we conclude our series, Air Dust Elimination and Duct System Sanitization Essential for Nursing Homes.

In the first part of this series, we expounded on the fact that indoor air quality within nursing home facilities must be kept at optimal levels as it could prove to be highly detrimental to the health of the residents of those institutions. In most instances, poor air quality negatively impacts a person’s heart health and respiratory health; however, other health complications may develop, too. These include the weakening of the immune system, skin irritations, fatigue, and even the development of cancer.

We then introduced you to the European Respiratory Journal Study and the three components of that study. In this blog, we will continue by discussing the findings of this study and providing more information on the importance of air conditioning dust elimination and duct system sanitization services.

The European Respiratory Journal Study Findings

The study conducted by the European Respiratory Journal resulted in numerous discoveries. The following outlines the findings:

  1. The airborne particles discovered during the study were found to result in shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing among patients. Additionally, a few of the particles resulted to be a contributing cause to many of the patients’ heart problems.
  2. The formaldehyde gas increased the symptoms experienced by patients that had been previously diagnosed with COPD.
  3. The carbon dioxide in the air was found to be a major contributing cause to breathlessness among nursing home patients.
  4. It was discovered that poor air quality is handled better by younger people than by the elderly; however, younger people still suffered – to some degree – as a result of the low air quality
  5. The negative effects of air pollution were more pronounced in areas of the nursing homes that had poor amounts of ventilation and an accumulation of toxins as a result of failing to have the air cleaned and dust removed.

Is Your Loved One Safe?

If you are reading this series, it is likely that you have a loved one in a nursing home or that you are an owner or a manager of a nursing home. For the purpose of this section, we want to communicate directly with those that have a loved one housed in a nursing home. You know the importance of your loved one getting the proper care. You know that the facility is providing meals, hygiene assistance, and a relatively safe environment for your loved one, but, do you know what the quality of the air is like throughout the facility?

You should communicate with those that are in charge of the facility and express the findings of the study outlined in this series and make them aware of the potential health problems that could result from low air quality. By making your case, the facility will likely strive to ensure optimal air quality. For air conditioning dust removal and duct system sanitization, you may direct them to the Ronald Smith Heating & Air website or have them call us today for more information on the subject matter at: 770-819-9879

Do You Own or Manage a Nursing Home?

If you own or manage a nursing home, consider this: how safe is the air that your residents are breathing? That your nursing staff is breathing? That YOU are breathing? You can help to ensure that the air quality in your facility is optimized to ensure the lowest level of air pollutants as possible. The following outlines a few strategies:

  1. First, you should ensure that your facility has a proper level of ventilation. Basically, this is nothing more than making certain that your air conditioning unit is circulating properly. This is especially important when new furniture is introduced to the facility as these items typically contain chemicals and gasses such as formaldehyde. The same holds true when it comes to utilizing cleansing agents and air fresheners.
  2. The air conditioner in your facility includes HVAC filters. Advanced filters should be utilized in order to trap dangerous particles and potentially toxic debris. These filters play a large role in cleaning the air in nursing homes.
  3. HEPA air purifiers are wonderful tools for nursing home environments. These are often identified as “commercial air purifiers”.
  4. Dehumidification systems are essential components to a clean and pollutant-free environment in nursing homes. These units remove moisture from the indoor nursing home air by employing the use of a desiccant. As a result, bacteria, mold, and fungi are completely omitted from the air.
  5. Finally, dust removal and duct sanitization aids in cleaning the air of your facility. The cleaning system utilized incorporates high-quality and immensely powerful UV lights to clean and sanitize all of the air throughout your facility. In turn, this improves the health of your residents and staff -and, your health, too!

We Are Here to Help

We here at Ronald Smith Heating & Air are ready to help you! It does not matter if you are a family member of a resident in a nursing home and want the air tested for pollutants or if you are a manager or owner of such a facility and are seeking to improve the air quality, we offer the tools, services, and expertise to help! We are trained to complete any commercial or industrial HVAC project

Examples of a few of the services that we offer include any heating & air service, boiler services, dehumidification systems, data center services, process chillers, backflow testing, heat-pump services, and duct cleaning. If you would like to learn more about our team, our products, and/or our services, give us a call today at: 770-766-9212
