6 Tips For Preparing Your Hvac System For Fall


Now that August is drawing to a close, fall is just a few short weeks away. While it is true that the heat will likely linger for some time yet, it is critical to properly prepare your HVAC system for the upcoming temperature drops.

Georgia has moderately warmer temperatures during the fall than that of other nearby states; however, when the cold hits, you will know it. It is in your best interest to get prepared now.

In this guide, we will outline a few tips that will have you fully prepared for the upcoming seasonal changes that will occur.

1.Clear Debris Around Your Unit

Summer breezes, storms, and other environmental conditions will cause weeds, leaves, dirt, and other materials to gather both in and around your HVAC unit. Now is the time to clear out debris.

Once fall hits, leaves will start falling at a higher rate. If your system is inhibited in any way, this could make a bad situation turn worse.

Your airflow could be hindered, the system could develop an issue with running efficiency, and worst, it could become a fire danger. Start cleaning now to avoid trouble later.

2.Deep Clean the Coils

All of those storms, all of that lawn mowing, and weed trimming during the summer months could result in dirt, dust, and other types of debris becoming lodged in coils of your HVAC system.

Before fall gets here, you should deep clean the coils. If they are left unkempt, it is quite likely that the airflow of your system will be reduced and the indoor air quality will be poor.

3. Make Sure Your Drain Is Not Obstructed

Remember all of those muddy days? The water could have moved clumps of it down to where the drain of your HVAC system is located. Before fall gets here, make sure this area is not obstructed. If it is, simply clear it out.

4. Turn on the Heat

For just a few minutes – when it is not needed – turn off the air conditioning and turn on the heat. Smell something burning? This is debris burning off of the components.

Is it warming your home? Did it turn on and off properly? Is your thermostat working properly? If you experienced any issues, make an appointment with a HVAC professional right away to take care of them.

5.Clean Duct Work

While this step will require a professional, it is important. You will be spending a lot more time indoors when it is cold outside. Your duct work needs to be cleaned so that your indoor air quality is optimal.

Remember, flu and allergy season also arrives in the cooler months. Having dirty air can quickly harm your health.

6. HVAC Maintenance

Finally, you need to have an HVAC professional come out and do an inspection and some maintenance work on your HVAC system. This will help to ensure it is in the best working order possible.

This professional will help clean small parts, lubricate the motor, measure the air flow, check for leaks, and a multitude of other tasks that will help you stay up and running all year long.

If you are preparing your HVAC for fall and require residential HVAC services in Lithia Springs, GA and surrounding areas, contact us today by calling: 770-766-9212

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